The Cardlink Business Factory framework will offer a more agile and extended open call phase, giving the right amount of time for the teams to prepare. As soon as a high-quality entrant is identified and evaluated, they will enter the Cardlink Business Factory and be matched with the respective key stakeholders of Cardlink. Through the facilitation of the Cardlink Business Factory, the teams will participate in working sessions which will be implemented weekly and will serve as a dedicated call to work collaboratively on the product in question, discuss concepts and ideas and transfer knowledge between all the parties in order to move the product forward. The teams will also receive coaching in order to enhance the prospects of developing valuable solutions that solve real challenges. If a solid prospect for a potential partnership is identified, following the facilitation phase, teams will go through a final solution exploration sprint, discussion all aspects of the partnership and exploring the framework and terms of a possible agreement.
Let’s work together to shape the future of retail! Submit your proposal and we’ll get in touch with you.