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Security in every transaction

ασφάλεια συναλλαγών

Security is in our DNA!

We recognize the fact that security is a key priority for our customers. As technology evolves and devices change, we constantly adapt to ensure the security of electronic payments wherever and whenever they happen.

συναλλαγές με ασφάλεια

Security in every transaction

Regardless of whether you are shopping online, in a store or on a portable device, our goal is to ensure every payment and each device is completely secure. We have implemented appropriate tools and cooperate with technology providers to monitor, detect and prevent fraudulent activities in every step of a transaction.

πιστοποιημένη ασφάλεια

Certified security

Cardlink has attained and maintains certifications related to the security of transactions, as defined by the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC). PCI SSC is the global organization for the security of transactions.


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