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Change in the name of Cardlink and transfer of registered office

It is announced that the name of our legal entity has changed according to the announcement with registry number G.E.M.I. 3244705/19.03.2024 and is from now on in Greek Mονοπρόσωπη Ανώνυμη Εταιρία Διαχειρίσεως και Λειτουργίας Δικτύων Ηλεκτρονικών Συναλλαγών ΚΑΡΝΤΛΙΝΚ with discreet title ΚΑΡΝΤΛΙΝΚ Μ.Α.Ε and in English Single-Member Societe Anonyme for the Management and Operation of Electronic Transaction Networks CARDLINK with discreet title CARDLINK S.M.S.A.

Additionally, according to the same announcement our registered office has been transferred to 253-255 Mesogeion Avenue & Riga Fereou 44-46, 154 51 Neo Psychiko, Attica.

From 19.03.2024 onwards, any notification, communication, announcement or statement to our Company should be made at the above stated address.

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