Cardlink checkout

Popular Questions
Cardlink checkout
Cardlink checkout Technical Support
3D Secure 2
What is PSD2?
What is Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)?
Which type of interface does my Cardlink e-Commerce use? Direct or Redirect?
I’m a Redirection merchant. What do I need to do in order to support 3D Secure 2?
Which fields must I send?
I already have transactions with customers. How can I check if I’m sending values for these fields?
I don’t have any transactions with the Cardlink checkout platform yet because I’m still in the process of technical testing. Is there something else I need to do?
How can I access the Cardlink checkout testing environment?
What should I check if I use a plugin for my interface?
What happens if I don’t make any changes to my systems?
What changes have been made to the Direct Model in general?
What changes are needed to use MPI v4?
What is a signature and how is it calculated?
What is needed in order to conduct test transactions with the new MPI version?
What changes need to be made to Authorization?
How will the customer certification page (3D page) appear to users?
I’m a merchant and I already support 3D Secure (v1). Do I also have to support 3D Secure 2?
What are the next steps after I implement the changes in the test environment?