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Valentine’s Day 2020. Which businesses were in the front line of love?

The 14th of February, the day of lovebirds, the celebration that some love, some hate, and most… love to hate! One thing is certain, though. That businesses love it and are eager for its arrival every year. Proof follows and analysis of the key question: did lovebirds make businessmen smile this year?

Does love need more than just butterflies in the tummy?

Let’s start by answering the main question: How did transactions* perform this year compared to last year? We selected the 5 most popular destinations for gifts on Valentine’s Day and in the chart that follows we reveal which ones received more love in 2020 compared to 2019.

Yes, love needs more than just butterflies in the tummy and the figures prove so this year! A large increase (almost double) for restaurants in 2020, surpassing even patisseries. Each year we also notice an increasing trend in transactions for the purchase of flowers, as well as jewellery, although it is smaller in 2020 compared to 2019.

Which businesses are in the front line of love?

The sectors we are examining performed better than in previous years, but let’s focus on 2020 to see if Friday the 14th of February actually increased the transactions of businesses substantially and by how much, compared to a “normal” Friday within the year. For Valentine’s Day Greeks clearly prefer to buy flowers, jewellery and sweets for their loved ones.

Did they dig deep into their pockets?

See the revelations below! What was the average transaction amount in each of the above sectors? Those who gifted jewellery may be less than those who chose flowers or a romantic dinner, but the €134.2 per transaction does them credit.

Which was the most erotic region this year?

We already knew that Greeks are passionate. What the figures showed is that Crete, and more specifically the prefecture of Heraklion, has the biggest spenders when it comes to Valentine’s Day (average transaction of €35.8 euro), according to aggregate data for all five sectors also examined above. Which begs the question: is it that people in the prefecture of Heraklion give more love than in the rest of Greece or does love cost a bit extra there?

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