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Instructions for integration of cash registers with POS

Android POS

(A80 wired, A910, A920, A920 PRO wireless, A50 & A77 wireless without printer)

Verifone Vx520 Wired
Ingenico ICT220 Wired

Cardlink POS software upgrades are completed

You can confirm whether your terminal’s software was upgraded by checking the version of the payment application, depending on the Cardlink POS model you have at your business.

For Android models, versions 7.1.7 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

For the Ingenico ICT220 models, versions 7.0.08 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

For the Verifone Vx520 models, versions 7.0.06 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I learn whether the POS upgrade has been completed and that I am able to integrate my POS and cash register systems?

You can confirm whether your terminal’s software was upgraded by checking the version of the payment application, depending on the Cardlink POS model you have at your business.

For Android models, versions 7.1.7 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

For the Ingenico ICT220 models, versions 7.0.08 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

For the Verifone Vx520 models, versions 7.0.06 onwards allow integration with the IAPR.

Which was the date of the mandatory integration of POS-cash register systems?

According to decision A1157/13.10.2023, the deadline for the POS-cash register integration was 29/2/2024.

An extension was granted, and the process of integrating cash register systems with their POS or new systems that meet the relevant specifications had to be completed by 31/3/2024 at the latest.

The latter deadline was extended for an additional month, i.e. until 30/4/2024, for businesses that could not schedule an appointment with an installation technician in March due to unavailability but was scheduled an appointment within April.

In order to complete their integration, their software must be upgraded or replaced wherever necessary.

How can I integrate EFTPOS with my cash register (IAPR)?
How can I find out if my business’s cash register is technically capable of connecting with my upgraded Cardlink POS?

For more information, please visit the website of the IAPR at

With regard to the POS Registry, which providers are obliged to transmit data to the IAPR, and how often?

Under the new provision, Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) that clear transactions paid using payment cards and Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs) that provide, install and manage POS terminals are required to submit reports regarding active POS terminals to the IAPR. The Providers shall transfer the data at regular intervals.

In compliance with the decision of the IAPR and the applicable legislation, Cardlink has transferred to the IAPR the POS data that fall under the provision of cooperating businesses with physical and online stores. What actions should I take after posting the details of my business on the IAPR’s Electronic Means of Payment Registry (POS)?

The IAPR has uploaded the business POS details it has received from the Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) and the Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs).

Any non-confirmation on the IAPR platform shall be deemed to imply acceptance of the information transferred by the Providers.

The information displayed by the IAPR shall be updated at regular intervals with new files, to display the most recent picture of the business in the IAPR Registry.

Which terminals have been uploaded to the IAPR’s Electronic Means of Payment Registry (POS)?

According to the information stored on our systems, data for all active Cardlink POS, whether in physical or online stores, have been uploaded to the Electronic Means of Payment Registry (POS).

Where can I see the POS data of my business?

You can access your business’s POS data on the myAADE platform by navigating to myAADE ► Registry & Communication ► Business Information ► 6. Means of Payment (EFT/POS) Information. There you can access the aggregated data collected by the Providers concerning your company’s POS (TAXISnet passcodes required).

I don’t have access to the IAPR platform. What should I do?

You can access the myAADE platform and the “Means of Payment (EFT/POS)” section with the use of your company’s TAXISnet Passwords.

There are inaccuracies regarding the POS data of my business on the IAPR platform (more, less, or incorrect information). What should I do? Can I edit the entries?

The information displayed in the IAPR POS Registry is submitted by the Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) and the Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs). The IAPR processes the data it receives from both these bodies and publishes them on its platform.

If there is a discrepancy in your POS information (more, less, or incorrect information), you should contact the Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) and/or the Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs) to request confirmation that the data they have transferred to the IAPR is accurate.

If both these organizations confirm that the data on you that they have transmitted to the IAPR are correct, then you should contact the IAPR for additional assistance.

There are multiple entries of a code for a POS I possess on the IAPR platform. What should I do?

Multiple entries of the same POS code occur if the POS supports multiple Payment Service Providers (Acquirers). Each entry corresponds to a single Acquirer.

What is the meaning of the status “To be upgraded” on the IAPR platform for certain terminals?

Terminals under the “To be upgraded” are those terminals that have been included in the lists of Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) and Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs) and may be upgraded gradually under the new IAPR legislation.

What is the meaning of the “Information not cross-checked with terminals” category displayed on the IAPR platform? What should I do for terminals that cannot be cross-checked?

The category “Information not cross-checked with terminals” includes terminals that are either only in the lists of the Payment Service Providers (Acquirers) or those of the Payment Network Service Providers (NSPs). These terminals may have been withdrawn and you should contact the Acquirers and/or NSPs and request confirmation that the information on you they have transmitted to the IAPR is correct.

Is the Means of Payment Registry (POS) associated with the integration between POS and cash register systems?

Yes, the Means of Payment Registry (POS) is associated with the integration between POS and cash register systems.

More specifically, the Means of Payment Registry (POS) was created for this purpose and is updated regularly with any changes that have occurred in the previous period. It is recommended that you regularly visit the IAPR application to ensure that your business is properly displayed.

The Means of Payment Registry (POS) was the first step, followed by the partial stages of the integration of POS and cash register systems (e.g. POS – cash register systems software upgrade, technical integration) that must be carried out for successful completion of the process in accordance with the new IAPR legislation.

How can I find the Cardlink terminals I have in my business?

You can visit Cardlink apollo to find information and data on the Cardlink terminals your business possesses.

I need the codes (TID) of my NBG pay and epay terminals to confirm the registrations. What can I do?

Click here to send an application for further clarification regarding the codes (TID) for NBG Pay and epay terminals or for further issues concerning the integration of POS with cash register systems.

I rejected a Cardlink terminal my business possesses on the IAPR platform, and I want to return it. What should I do?

To initiate the withdrawal procedure of your Cardlink POS please send your request here.

Does the mandatory integration of POS and cash register systems apply to all sectors and forms of business or are there exceptions?

We recommend that you contact your accountant for more information on whether your business falls under the scope of the new legislation.

What is an Electronic Tax Device (FIM)?

Electronic Tax Devices (FIM) are electronic computer systems used to monitor revenue and taxes associated with the sale of products or the provision of services, issue sales receipts, and record and send the relevant data to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) as provided for by law.

How is the integration of POS and cash register systems done?

The POS software will be upgraded remotely and automatically. Cardlink provides regular electronic notifications to the IAPR regarding POS upgrades. The integration is completed by the cash register support technician.

The new POS software is activated during the integration with the cash register. If your business meets the relevant criteria, you may be entitled to have technician costs covered by a Greece 2.0 voucher.

A local internet network to which both the Cash Register System and the POS are connected is required for their integration and smooth operation.

What other changes will the POS software upgrade bring?

Once your POS software has been upgraded, any transactions with cards will be required to begin through your cash register system, which will in turn automatically forward the transaction details to the EFT/POS for the required approval. You will not be able to input the payment amount in the POS. The POS will complete the transaction and respond to the register.

Does the existing cash system or company FIM need to be replaced to meet the new legislative requirements?

Businesses should contact their current cash register system provider to ensure its compatibility with the new requirements.

Do Cardlink POS support integration with business cash register systems?

Cardlink POS software is ready.

If you have an out-of-date POS and wish to upgrade to a Cardlink Android POS, you can see their upgraded capabilities and order one immediately by clicking here. Note that you may be entitled to a Greece 2.0 voucher.

Has Cardlink submitted the Statement of Compliance to the IAPR? Which terminals does it concern?

Cardlink has submitted the Statement of Compliance, which has been posted on the IAPR page and can be found here.

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